Our Philosophy andOur

We at Rhythm N Rhyme know that music is not only fun for young children but a great tool for learning and overall development. With this program our aim is to promote coordination, balance, rhythm and self-esteem through music and learning.

Our early childhood music curriculum has decades of research behind it, in both music education and child development. And because we recognize that children learn through play, we make everything we do in class engaging and fun.

We also know that young children learn best from the powerful role models in their lives. That's where the grownups come in! Our family classes show parents, teachers, and caregivers how to help their children become confident by having fun together.

Music and play together brings families of all kinds together in a warm, supportive environment where everyone feels comfortable singing, dancing, and just having fun. Creating lasting family and community bonds through music is a huge part of our programs.

Singing and dancing with children is so much fun, it's easy to overlook how much they're learning in the process. Gaining basic music skills is one of the most obvious benefits of our early childhood music program, but there are other, less obvious benefits of music for children, too. It turns out that learning music also supports social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development.

Music is not only fun but a great tool for learning and overall development. We primarily aim to achieve the following through the classes:

Motor Skills

An action-song provides a child the opportunity to integrate rhythm, body percussion and vocalization..

Stimulate Learning

We know that repetition of music and rhymes in a beat with a predictable patter stimulates the eagerness to learn.


All kids learn & commuicate differently. Some learn best through hearing, while others are more visual learners. Baby & Toddler sign language helps fill vocabulary gaps.

Motor Skills

Children are as unique as snowflakes, each having their own distinct personality. There are certain developmental milestones most children reach within a specific time frame. The age when your child smiles at you, says their first word, starts to crawl and masters other tasks can give you insights into how well they are achieving these important developmental milestones.

Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills generally refer to the small movements of the hands, wrists, fingers, feet, toes, lips, and tongue. Fine motor skills develop as your child’s whole body gains mobility, stability, cognitive, and emotional/social development.

When we think of fine motor skills those that most often come to mind include:

  • Tying of a shoe
  • Writing
  • Cutting paper with scissors

However, there are several foundations before your child will acquire those skills. Those building blocks include stability, bilateral coordination, and sensation.


is the ability to keep one part of the body still while another part moves.

Bilateral Coordination

is the efficient use of both hands during activities. One hand will manipulate while the other is the ‘helping hand.


is knowing where your hands, arms, and fingers are, and how they are moving. Once the building blocks are established, your child will use small, accurate, and precise movements to open containers, pick up tiny objects, stack blocks, and many other skills.

Activities at Rhythm N Rhyme are geared to typically help our Bugs attain and master fine motor skills.

Gross Motor Skills

We all know gross motor movement is important for development, but why is that?

When kids move to music, they are getting so much more than just exercise. They are also developing their coordination, balance, concentration and cognitive abilities.

Benefits for the Brain

By practicing coordinated movement to music, they will develop parts of the brain that will help them to speak, read, write and play instruments. But the best part is that these activities also bring such a great deal of enjoyment!

Developing the upper body can be done is also done with basic gymnastic skills which we incorporate in music class at Rhythm n Rhyme. Our Bunnies learn forward rolls, Monkey jumps, Donkey kicks that help develop upper body strength.


Music activities and instrument play helps our Crawlers, Bugs and Bunnies develop a steady sense of rhythm and beat and enhance listening skills. Watching a video on the phone is one way communication which is easily misinterpreted as stimulated learning. One way communication leads to non verbal communication. Stiimulate your child with action songs and sing along sessions where they too need to participate.

Music and rhythm can help children :

  • Express their emotions. Children will sing a joyful song or hum a catchy tune when they’re happy. In contrast, their dance movements might be jerky and aggressive when they are angry or frustrated.
  • Release energy and channel it in creative, productive directions.
  • Gain confidence in themselves as they realize they can use their minds and bodies together.
  • Learn new words and ideas. Children often create their own songs, melodies, and movements.
  • Learn that, with practice, their bodies will do almost anything they want them to do – even leap across a room or turn cartwheels in time to music.
  • Learn about themselves and the relationships they have with others.
  • Shy children discover that they feel bolder among other people when they are loudly singing or dancing.
  • Active children can channelize their energy and calm down. Some children are energetic. Music class helps them calm down and understand discipline as they see the others sitting in a circle, obeying and following instructions.

Get in Touch Got a question, comment or query?
Reach out to us on 91080-01165 or send a message.